Friday, April 10, 2020


Blessings reign in the houses where women are silent and men make decisions. 
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" It can't get easier than this... 😉 😉😇

Composed by : FAISAL REHMAN
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…… .

The number of Tigers exceeds 8 million.

The number of Tigers exceeds 1 million.

Thursday, April 9, 2020


" Avoid hand shaking and maintain social distancing. Avoid visit to public places and populated areas. Pakistan Telecommunication Authority "
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Composed by faisal Rehman
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Us President 😚

😙😗 Extraordinary times require even closer cooperation between friends.

Thank you India and the Indian people for the decision on HCQ.

Will not be forgotten! Thank you Prime Minister @NarendraModi for your strong leadership in helping not just India, but humanity, in this fight… 😗😙

Composed by : FAISAL REHMAN
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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Pm imran khan

faith: PM Imran Khan

March 31, 2020
ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday said that coronavirus will be confronted by the force of faith as he announced the government's measures to contain the coronavirus, saying that >>
an image
ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday said that coronavirus will be confronted by the force of faith as he announced the government's measures to contain the coronavirus, saying that a relief team made up of the youth will be instrumental in winning the war against the pandemic.
He issued a stern warning to hoarders and profiteers, warning them that the state will "make an example out of you". He began his address by saying that the whole country is fighting the war against coronavirus but China had emerged as the most successful country in containing the pandemic.
PM Imran said that China had locked down Wuhan to contain the virus. "Had Pakistan’s situation been similar to China’s, I would have ordered a lockdown in our cities as well," he said.
The prime minister said that 25 percent of Pakistan's population are the poor who couldn’t afford two meals a day. He said if the government is unable to look after the unemployed, the lockdown will not be successful.
"This disease does not differentiate between the poor and the rich," he said, citing the example of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who contracted the infection as well.
The prime minister said that resources are not merely enough to win the war against the pandemic. "India decided to impose a countrywide lockdown. Today, their prime minister issued an apology to the nation for ordering a lockdownwithout proper planning," he added.
The prime minister compared the relief package of the United States with Pakistan, saying that there was no comparison between the two. "I announced a relief package of $8 billion and the US announced a $2,000 billion," he said.
PM Imran said that the nation will battle the coronavirus with two key elements: faith and Pakistan's young population. "We have to combat coronavirus and use these two strengths to win the war [against coronavirus]," he said.
The prime minister announced a "Corona Tigers Relief Force" which would aid the administration and the armed forces in containing the virus. He said that a dedicated cell at the PM Office is monitoring the spread of virus.
PM Imran said that the relief force will provide food to the people at their doorsteps and will educate them on the safety precautions against the virus. He said young doctors, nurses, drivers and people belonging to any profession could choose to become part of the force.
The premier said that people are treating coronavirus patients like 'criminals' and reiterated that only the old and the weak needed to be hospitalised in case they contracted the infection. "Only three to four percent of the people need to be hospitalised when they contract the coronavirus," he said. "The rest need to self-quarantine to get better."
He said that the government is opening a "Prime Minister Corona Relief Fund" account, which will help people affected by the pandemic. PM Imran said that the account will be opened in the National Bank of Pakistan.
He called on the people to donate generously and said that no questions will be asked about the sources of the funds. "For those who deposit money in this account, the government will provide them tax relief," said PM Imran.
PM Imran said that the State Bank of Pakistan will provide loans on concessions to businesses that do not lay off employees as long as the crisis persists. The prime minister said when people hoard products, their prices increase and as a result, the poor are left out.
PM Imran warned people from increasing prices artificially to earn profit. "Those who want to make money from the hunger of the poor, the state will take strict action against you. The state will make an example out of you," he added.
He cited the example of the Ansar and Muhajireen from Islamic history and urged masses to unite to "defeat hoarders and create the spirit that will win the war against coronavirus."
PM Imran urged people to demonstrate responsibility by practicing social distancing. "Remember, if you are not careful, you are putting the lives of others in danger as well as your own," he said.
Earlier, Prime Minister Imran Khan asked for establishment of a think-tank of experts, consisting of key ministries to have a review of the situation on daily basis and furnish recommendations accordingly.
The prime minister emphasised that Pakistan is faced with a situation never witnessed in its history and in the given difficult situation, all the government departments are needed to play a more pro-active role. He proposed a think-tank of experts from the ministries of National Food Security, Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Trade and Industries.
He said this while presiding over a high-level meeting here to review the measures taken in industry and commerce, energy sectors and to provide relief to the poor segments of society in the wake of coronavirus pandemic.
The prime minister made it clear that the government had firm resolve to take all-out steps to provide possible relief to people and every sector of the economy in difficu lt hour in the face of coronavirus breakout.
He said, “We are facing the challenge of poverty along with the issue of coronavirus and the government will use all its available resources to extend support to the weak segments of the society on priority basis, 
On this occasion, the prime minister directed the Minister for N ational Food Security Mak hdoom Khusro Bahtyar to keep an eye on the availability of essential items in the country and to ensure that there is no shortage of flour, pulses, rice, ghee and sugar and other  edibles.
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Composed by faisal Rehman 

! Two couples with the same surnames pursue in-vitro fertilisation and wait for their upcoming babies. Trouble ensues when they find that the sperms of each couple have been mixed with each other

"" Two couples with the same surnames pursue in-vitro fertilisation and wait for their upcoming babies.

 Trouble ensues when they find that the sperms of each couple have been mixed with each other "" .
Composed by : FAISAL REHMAN  !…… .

Painful and tiresome' — Swat's first recovered patient recalls encounter with Covid-19

Painful and tiresome' — Swat's first recovered patient recalls encounter with Covid-19 .....

The 30-year-old was released from hospital after making a full recovery following nine days spent in isolation…. 
Composed by : FAISAL REHMAN 😗

! COVID-19 disinfection: 5 Dubai roads open to motorists headed to other emirates .


COVID-19 disinfection: 5 Dubai roads open to motorists headed to other emirates

Dubai: People who need to travel to Abu Dhabi through Dubai can now use Shaikh Mohammad bin Zayed Road and other four major roads, Dubai Police said.
As patrols, radars and cameras are being used to identify violators during the 24-hours sterilisation programme in Dubai, police said that radars haven’t been activated on five highways in Dubai during the 24-hours movement restriction period.
“Shaikh Zayed, Emirates, Shaikh Mohammad bin Zayed, Dubai Al Ain and Dubai Hatta roads can be used by people to move to other emirates through Dubai. Radars will be switched off (but not for speed violators). These roads are open to all motorists to go towards Abu Dhabi or other emirates,” Brigadier Saif Muhair Al Mazroui, Director of Traffic Department at Dubai police said during an interview with Dubai TV… 
However, he said that motorists should only go through these roads if they are directly going to other emirates, without any stops in Dubai… 
Dubai Police urged the public to comply with the authorities’ order and stay home as far as possible… 
Composed by : FAISAL REHMAN 😋

!Live Updates: Elite Saudi Hospital Braces for a Wave of Royal Patients! 

Up to 150 Saudi royals are infected, while Britain’s prime minister, Boris Johnson, remains in intensive care. China ended its lockdown of Wuhan, and other nations are considering easing restrictions....

Britain reported 938 new coronavirus deaths, its highest single-day figure...
Composed by : FAISAL REHMAN 😙

اج رات کی دعا 🕋🕋🤲🤲

یہ دعا بہت پیاری ہے اِسے سکون سے پڑھیں اور دل میں آمین کہیں اور اسے دوسروں تک پہنچائیں. ھو سکتا ہے کہ دوسرے لوگوں کی آمین سے اپنی دعا قبول ھو جائے(آمین)😰😭
⚡اے اللہ رب العزت
💧اے ساری کائنات کے شہنشاہ
💧اے ساری مخلوق کے پالنے والے
💧اے زندگی موت کا فیصلہ کرنےوالے
💧اے آسمانوں اور زمینوں کے مالک
💧اے پہاڑوں اور سمندروں کے مالک
💧اے انسانوں اور جناتوں کے معبود
💧اے عرشِ اعظم کے مالک
💧اے فرشتوں کے معبود
💧اے عزت اور ذلت کے مالک
💧اے بیماروں کو شِفا دینے والے
💧اے بادشاہوں کے بادشاہ
💧اے اللہ ہم تیرے گناہگار بندے ہیں
💧تیرے خطاکار بندے ہیں
💦ہمارے گناہوں کو معاف فرما🙏🙏
💦ہماری خطاؤں کو معاف فرما🙏
💦اے اللہ ہم اپنے اگلےپچھلے،صغیرہ کبیرہ سبھی گناہوں،خطاؤں اور نافرمانیوں کی معافی مانگتے ہیں🙏🙏
💦اے اللہ رب العزت ہم اپنے گناہوں سے توبہ کرتے ہیں ہماری توبہ قبول فرما
💦اے اللہ ہم گناہگار ہیں،سیاہ کار ہیں،بدکار ہیں تیرے احکام کے نافرمان ہیں،ناشُکرے ہیں لیکن میرے معبود تیرے نام لیوا بندے ہیں، تیری توحید کی گواہی دیتے ہیں.
💦تیرے سوا کوئی عبادت کے لائق نہیں ہے
💦تیرے سوا کوئی بندگی کے لائق نہیں ہے
💦تیرے سوا کوئی تعریف کے لائق نہیں ہے
💦ہمارے معبود ہمارے گناہ تیری رحمت سے بڑے نہیں ہیں
💦تو اپنی رحمت سے ہمارے گناہ معاف کر دے🙏🙏🙏
💦اے اللہ پاک ہمیں گمراہی کے راستے سے ہٹا کر صراط المستقیم کے راستے پہ چلنے والا بنا دے
💦اے اللہ ایسی نماز پڑھنے کی توفیق عطا کر جس نماز سے تو راضی ہو جائے
💦زندگی میں ایسے نیک اعمال کرنے کی توفیق عطا کر جن اعمالوں سے تو راضی ہو جائے
💦ہمیں ایسی زندگی گزارنے کی توفیق عطا کر جس زندگی سے تو راضی ہو جائے
💦ایمان پہ زندہ رکھ اور ایمان پہ ہی موت عطا کر
💦اے اللہ ہمیں تیرے احکام کی فرمابرداری کرنے والا بنا
💦اور تیرے پیارے حبیب جنابِ محمد رسول اللہ(صلی للہ ھو علیہ وآلہ وسلم) کے نیک اور پاکیزہ آداب کو اپنانے والا بنا دے
💦اے اللہ ہماری پریشانیوں کو دور کر دے
💦اے اللہ جو بیمار ہیں اُنہیں شفاءکاملہ عطا فرما
💦اے اللہ جو قرض کے بوجھ تلے دبے ھوئے ہیں اُنکا قرض جلد سے جلد ادا کروا دے
💦اے رب العزت شیطان سے ہماری حفاظت فرما
💦اے اللہ اسلام کے دشمنوں کو ہدایت عطا فرما
💦اے اللہ حلال رزق کمانے کی توفیق عطا فرما
💦اے پروردگارِ عالم ہمیں تُجھ سے مانگنا نہیں آتا لیکن تجھے دینا آتا ہے تو ھر چیز پہ قادر ہے
💦اے اللہ جو مانگا وہ بھی عطا فرما اور جو مانگنے سے رِہ گیا وہ ب ھی عنائت فرما
🍂 *اللہ آپ نے نمرود کے لیے مچھر بھیجا تھا۔ نمرود نے آپ کا انکار کیا تھا، لیکن یا اللہ، ہم تو آپ کےاقراری ہیں۔ آپ نے ہمارے لیے مچھر سے بھی سو گنا کم جراثیم بھیجا ہے۔ ۔*یا کریم ، بیماریاں پہلے بھی تھیں* لیکن آپ تو بیماری اس لیے بھیجتے ہیں کہ مومنین کے گناہ معاف ہو جائیں، *لیکن اے اللہ، یہ کیسی بیماری ہے جس نے ہمیں آپ کے گھر میں داخل ہونے سے روک دیا۔ ۔*
🍂 *اللہ کیا ہم اس قابل نہیں کہ آپ کےگھر آسکیں؟ ضرور ہم سے غلطیاں ہوئیں۔ ۔ ہم آپ سے دعا کرتے ہیں کہ آپ ہمیں معاف فرما دیں ۔* 🍂اللہ اتنی بڑی سزا ہمیں نہ دیجیے ہم گناہوں کے پہاڑ اور سمندر لیے اپ کے گھر آتے تھے، آپ معاف کردیتے تھے ۔ ۔ اللہ آپ نے گھر کا راستہ ہی بند کر دیا۔ ۔ *یا ربی، پھر ہم کس در پر جائیں ؟ ہمیں یوں نہ دھتکاریے۔۔*
🍂 *اللہ اس امت کو معاف کر دیجیے* ۔ ۔ *کیا اس امت میں ایک بھی ایسا نہیں جس کی وجہ سے آپ دعا قبول کر لیں؟* ۔ ۔ *اللہ جی* آپ اپنے گھر کےدروازے کھول دیں، ہم آپ کے در پر آنا چاہتے ہیں، ہم سے بیماری کا خوف ہٹا دیجیے ۔ ۔
🍂 *اللہ ہم نے سود شروع کر کے آپ کے خلاف اعلان جنگ کر رکھا ہے ،اس معاملے میں ہم بے بس ہیں!!* *ہمارے حکمران اس کے ذمہ دار ہیں، لیکن یا باری تعالی، وہ تو حکومت کے نشے میں لاپرواہ ہیں آپ سے ، آپ ان کی سزا ہمیں نہ دیجیے ۔ ۔*
🍂 اللہ ہمیں اپنی طرف لوٹا دیجیے
🍂 اللہ ہماری توبہ قبول کر لیجیے
🍂 اللہ ہمارا حشر ان مشرکین جیسا نہ کیجیے جن پر کعبہ کے دروازے بند ہیں ۔ ۔
🍂 اللہ آپ انفرادی گناہوں کو معاف کر دیتے ہیں ۔ ۔
*آج ہمارے اجتماعی گناہوں کو بھی معاف کر دیجیے ، ،*
اللہ معاف کر دیجیے
اللہ معاف کر دیجیے
اللہ معاف کر دیجیے
أستغفر الله
أستغفر الله
أستغفر الله
🍂 *رب کریم، رحم کیجیے۔* ہم میں امت کو اکٹھا کرنے والا کوئی نہیں،
کوئی امت کو استغفار کے راستے پر لانے والا نہیں۔ ۔
🍂 *یااللہ ، ہم اس فورم کے ذریعے اجتماعی معافی کی درخواست کرتے ہیں ، آپ اس کو قبول کر لیجیے ۔ ۔ ہم سب اس دعا کو پڑھنے والے قومی مجرم کے طور پر، امت کے مجرم کے طور پر معافی مانگتے ہیں۔ 🍃 یااللہ، معاف کر دیجیے*
🍃 *یا کریم، معاف کر دیجیے*
🍃 *یا رحیم، معاف کر دیجیے*
*آمین آمین آمین*
*یا رب العزت،* یہ دکھاوے کی دعا نہیں یہ امت کو متوجہ کرنے کے لیے دعا ہے۔ آپ اس امت کو توبہ کی توفیق دے
💦ہماری دعا اپنے رحم سے اپنے کرم سے قبول فرما اور جس نے یہ دعا بھیجی ہے اور اِسے آگے بڑھا رہا ہے اُسکی ساری پریشانیوں،تکلیفوں اور بیماریوں کو دور فرما اور صحت تندرستی عطا كر: یہ دُعا پوری ضرور پڑھیں
"اے میرے پروردگار اپنےپیارےمحبوب حضرت محمدﷺ کے صدقے پوری دُنیا میں جتنے لوگ وفات پا چُکے ہیں اُن کی مغفرت فرما، اُنہیں قبر کے عذاب سے بچا۔ جو بیمار ہیں یا پریشان ہیں تُو اُن کو اپنے کرم سے معاف فرما اور اُن کی بیماری اور پریشانیوں کو دُور فرما۔"
اے میرےالله اپنے پیارے حبیبﷺ کے صدقے جس نے مجھے یہ دُعا بھیجی ہے اُس کے تمام گُناہوں کو معاف فرما اور ہر کام میں کامیابی عطا فرما اور اُس کا نَصیب کھول دے۔ اٰمئین!
اپنے لئے ضرور دُعا کرؤایں نجانے کس کی زبان سے آپ کی تقدیر کھول جائے۔
 آمین یا راب العمین االله تعالى رحم و کرم فرمائے امین آمین یا راب العمین ھم سب مسلمانوں کی مدد فرمائے امین آمین یا راب العمین ☝️☝️☝️🕋🕋🤲🤲😭😭
نوٹ: آج کے دِن اگر یہ دُعا آگے شير نہ کر سکیں تو واپس مجھے ہی بھیج دیں

Do men more susceptible to infection with the new coronavirus

Do men fare worse with Covid-19

Death and infection tolls from the Covid-19 pandemic spreading around the world point to men being more likely than women to contract the disease and to suffer severe or critical complications if they do.
Here are some insights from research and experts:

It looks that way yes.. .😭

! The PSL are set to deliberate on potentially changing the dates of the upcoming season's transfer window periods, after FIFA proposed new guidelines .

The PSL are set to deliberate on potentially changing the dates of the upcoming season's transfer window periods, after FIFA proposed new guidelines
It is no secret that the current COVID-19 pandemic has caused massive uncertainty around the future of football around the world, and FIFA has since allowed member associations and leagues to decide their own transfer window dates for the 2020/21 season.
This follows the forced suspension of most leagues by the coronavirus outbreak across over 200 countries thus far, which could see the 2019/20 season stretched beyond it's original end date of June 30.
As a result, should this become the case for the Absa Premiership and Glad Africa Championship, the two transfer window periods, which ordinarily commence on July 1 until August 31 and 1-31 January, may need to be deferred.
With the Regulations of the Status and Transfer of Players being binding for all member associations, FIFA have since lifted those relating to the transfer window periods, meaning SAFA and the PSL can now determine their own dates, provided they do not excede a total of 16 weeks.
According to PSL senior manager Luxolo September, online discussions amongst the League's executive commitee and the tast team appointed by the Board of Governors have been constant in spite of the current lockdown.
"The Exco will be the ones that will judge that it should go to the Board of Governors. I don't know [if the transfer windows will be reconsidered] but I'm sure they are looking into it," September tells
"There is constantly calls and inputs going through the Exco, they are meeting online over Zoom [online video calling application]. They can't stop, they are meeting."
It is likely any decision regarding the resumption and completion of the season, and other key matters .
Composed by : FAISAL REHMAN

The World Is Addicted to Pandemic Porn.

The World Is Addicted to Pandemic Porn

The insatiable appetite for disaster information is psychologically understandable—and politically dangerous

A man reads a coronavirus news alert
The coronavirus pandemic is a global catastrophe that has killed tens of thousands of people and brought misery and pain to many more, including those who are now under lockdown and curfew. But, as a public spectacle, there is plenty of evidence that people have found it riveting.
I’m no exception. When I first started hearing about the numbers of COVID-19 deaths in Italy, I felt a wave of horror and sadness that left me winded and confused—I have family in Italy and feel a deep affection for the country. But it also stirred in me an appetite for more coronavirus-related news, and every day since Italy went into lockdown on March 9 I have religiously visited the same webpage to see the daily updates of new COVID-19 deaths in the country.
I know that I am not alone: Most of the world seems hooked on coronavirus horror news right now, as traffic numbers at most news sites seem to attest. Where does this appetite come from, and what does it say about us?
The world often gets caught up in the spectacle of unpredictable threats, from the mass panic over Y2K to the Islamic State’s theater of barbarism. The coronavirus pandemic has given us a new larger-than-life monster to rail against and bond over with other horrified media consumers. It has also given us a global spectacle that makes all other reality TV seem superfluous and shallow by comparison, for this is the stuff of “Shakespeare’s plays and Jacobean dramas, of old ballads, apocalyptic paintings and morality tales,” as the writer Paul Theroux recently put it. True life-and-death drama. And it is happening in real time, with no edits.
[Mapping the Coronavirus Outbreak: Get daily updates on the pandemic and learn how it’s affecting countries around the world.]
As with all monsters, many people are desperate to see the beast, but only from a safe distance. So they tune in daily to chart its havoc-wreaking progress. They fixate on the “curve” of its “exponential” evil. How many did it kill and infect there? When will it reach here? People quarrel over what to call it and who to blame for its despicable conception, marshaling in their favorite bêtes noires to carry the weight of culpability.
Some of those who have seen the beast up close or actually survived its ravages are only too eager to relay their experiences to journalists or in social media posts, and many of us are only too happy to immerse ourselves in these horrors. A cursory Google search for recent coronavirus-related news content reveals the following reports: “‘Like somebody was beating me like a piñata’: Chris Cuomo describes coronavirus battle” (Politico); “‘We’re a part of the spread’: flight attendant’s guilt over Covid-19” (the Guardian); “Coronavirus felt like the devil was in my body, fit and healthy 28-year-old mum warns young Brits” (the Sun); “‘It was like I’d swallowed glass’: Mother, 46, battling coronavirus describes horror symptoms” (Daily Mail).
I do not mean to criticize the sincerity or hardships of those who make or share these posts and stories. But there is something undeniably (if understandably) pornographic about the urge to reveal, in unsparing and microscopic detail, what the virus looks and feels like to countless strangers on the internet. There is also something unmistakably voyeuristic in wanting to see or read these frightening stories.
Of course, one could say that those who share such stories are performing a vital public service in raising awareness about the seriousness of the coronavirus, and that those who read or hear them are merely keeping themselves informed. But this doesn’t quite explain the seemingly insatiable appetite for sharing and consuming coronavirus catastrophe tales that contain little new practical information.

Few writers have thought more deeply about this subject than the late Susan Sontag, who observed, with piercing accuracy, that “the appetite for pictures showing bodies in pain is as keen, almost, as the desire for ones that show bodies naked.” What explains this impulse? Sontag alluded to several answers. One is related to insecurity: We wish to see or hear about something gruesome so as “to steel” ourselves “against weakness.” If we can’t even look at the Grim Reaper, we are unlikely to fare well against him when he comes knocking.
The other answer Sontag points to is far more unsettling: namely, the voyeuristic “satisfaction of knowing, This is not happening to me, I’m not ill, I’m not dying, I’m not trapped in a war.” The intellectual historian Karen Halttunen understood this as the secret pleasure of prizing our own good fortune that comes from the comparison we make between ourselves and the person who suffers.
But what about the desire to reveal one’s suffering to anonymous others? According to the sociologist Frank Furedi, who has written widely about the rise of therapy culture, this is “inextricably linked with the erosion of the boundary between the private and public,” whereby privacy has lost its “positive authority.” Furedi told me that public coronavirus confessionals are just another iteration of “survivor tales,” where privations are commodified as a means to buy attention, relevance, and status.
At the moment, it is hard to read a newspaper or watch television news without coming across some new horror in the unfolding coronavirus story. Indeed, we are only but months into the pandemic, and it already feels like a saturation point has been reached. What does all this exposure do to us?
Sontag thought deeply about this question, too. In On Photographypublished in 1977, she worried that repeated exposure to images of suffering risks corrupting our moral conscience, shrinking our sympathy. We become overloaded, numb, desensitized to the pain of others: “Once one has seen such images, one has started down the road of seeing more—and more. Images transfix. Images anesthetize.” Elaborating further, she wrote: “The shock of photographed atrocities wears off with repeated viewings, just as the surprise and bemusement felt the first time one sees a pornographic movie wear off after one sees a few more.”
Sontag later came to doubt the force of this observation, but it still stands as a stark warning. The danger is that with each new COVID-19 death toll, dutifully updated every 24 hours by our governments and news organizations, we become detached from the cruel and painful realities behind the numbers and deadened to the suffering around us. The danger is even more acute in our current social media age, when many of us are never far away from a smartphone or computer screen.
It is idle to think that much can be done to ward off this danger, so deeply rooted is our desire for catastrophic news and our proneness to be distracted from our other duties and interests in order to assiduously follow it. And we may indeed persuade ourselves into thinking that we are obliged to do so. But we should also feel obliged to reflect on what psychological and political costs this indulgence might already be imposing.
Simon Cottee is senior lecturer in criminology at the University of Kent. He is the author of The Apostates: When Muslims Leave Islam.