Wednesday, April 8, 2020

! The PSL are set to deliberate on potentially changing the dates of the upcoming season's transfer window periods, after FIFA proposed new guidelines .

The PSL are set to deliberate on potentially changing the dates of the upcoming season's transfer window periods, after FIFA proposed new guidelines
It is no secret that the current COVID-19 pandemic has caused massive uncertainty around the future of football around the world, and FIFA has since allowed member associations and leagues to decide their own transfer window dates for the 2020/21 season.
This follows the forced suspension of most leagues by the coronavirus outbreak across over 200 countries thus far, which could see the 2019/20 season stretched beyond it's original end date of June 30.
As a result, should this become the case for the Absa Premiership and Glad Africa Championship, the two transfer window periods, which ordinarily commence on July 1 until August 31 and 1-31 January, may need to be deferred.
With the Regulations of the Status and Transfer of Players being binding for all member associations, FIFA have since lifted those relating to the transfer window periods, meaning SAFA and the PSL can now determine their own dates, provided they do not excede a total of 16 weeks.
According to PSL senior manager Luxolo September, online discussions amongst the League's executive commitee and the tast team appointed by the Board of Governors have been constant in spite of the current lockdown.
"The Exco will be the ones that will judge that it should go to the Board of Governors. I don't know [if the transfer windows will be reconsidered] but I'm sure they are looking into it," September tells
"There is constantly calls and inputs going through the Exco, they are meeting online over Zoom [online video calling application]. They can't stop, they are meeting."
It is likely any decision regarding the resumption and completion of the season, and other key matters .
Composed by : FAISAL REHMAN

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